Yoga Classes


Daytime Classes

Mon 9.15-10.15am YOGA FOR ALL

Mon 10.10-11.20am YOGA FOR 50+

Weds 10.20-11.40am YOGA & RELAXATION

Weds 11.45-1pm YOGA & RELAXATION

(Venue: Rossett Adult Learning)

Evening Classes

Mon 6.30-7.45pm YOGA & RELAXATION

Mon 8-9pm JUST RELAX

Weds 6.30-7.30pm YOGA FOR ALL

Weds 7.45-8.45pm YOGA FOR ALL

(Venue: Rossett Adult Learning)

Online Classes


Sat 10-11.15am WOMEN’S YOGA CIRCLE


Hatha Yoga


Mon 9.15-10.15am FULL Mon 10.20-11.20am (50+ ) FULL Mon 6.30 - 7.45pm Weds 10.20 - 11.35am FULL Weds 11.45 - 1pm Weds 6.30 - 7.30pm Weds 7.45 - 8.45pm

My Hatha Yoga classes are slow paced and embodied with enough yogic philosophy to maintain a practice deeply rooted in ancient tradition, yet accessible for a modern (and busy) mind and body. These are all levels classes, open to all genders and age groups. Pranayama (breath work), meditation and relaxation techniques are used throughout all classes. Mantra(word/sound repetition), mudra (symbolic gestures) and visualisations create an atmosphere of calm and add a little sparkle.

Affordable, friendly and fully-inclusive community.

These classes run term time via Rossett Adult Learning Centre.

Open to all genders, ages and ability levels.

Booking for AUTUMN ‘24 TERM now OPEN!


Yoga Circle

Women’s Yoga Circle


Saturday 10-11.15am

An online yoga class for women at all stages of life. A feminine practice to treat your body with kindness. We move gently, set intentions and harness the breath to explore the mind body connection. Expect to feel relaxed and invigorated in these nourishing classes and supportive community of young-at-heart women, despite being behind a screen.

Open to all ages and ability levels - newcomers most welcome.



Rest Yoga

Yoga Relax & Unwind

Mon 8-9pm IN-PERSON

Tues 8-9pm LIVE ZOOM CLASS via Rossett Adult Learning

We begin with mudra, breath work and meditation, floor/chair based stretches and movement to help you ease the physical tension of your day and then enjoy time in a supported Restorative Yoga pose before taking a journey deeper in to relaxation. Pyjamas most welcome!

Booking for AUTUMN ‘24 TERM now OPEN!


Restorative Yoga + Reiki

Restorative Yoga is the antidote to fast-paced living.  A tonic for your nervous system and an opportunity to rest.

We look to the Patanjali’s Sutras - ancient yogic manuscripts that describe Yoga ‘shapes’ being comfortable, relaxing all effort. I prescribe a remedy of floor-based poses using props and support...aka a rest nest, combined with breathing and relaxation techniques to create a truly wonderful healing experience.  

Reiki is a non-evasive hands-on or distant healing system, channelling and reconnecting universal life force energy, restoring a sense of peace, balance and unity deep within.

This is an online or in-person one-to-one experience.

60 MINS Online £35

90 MINS Online £55 with Personal Cacao Ceremony

(ingredients delivered within the UK) and Oracle Reading

60 MINS In-person £60 at Heal Spa, Harrogate

90 MINS In-person £80 with Personal Cacao Ceremony